CPI Report: Electricity Price Inflation 56% Higher than the Consumer Price Index and 86% Higher than Food Inflation
September 11, 2024
The latest inflation data once again revealed that electricity price inflation is driving general price increases. On an annual basis, electricity price inflation rose by 3.9% or 56% higher than the CPI (2.5%) and 86% higher than food at (2.1%) respectively.
Electricity Price Inflation Over 4X Grocery Bill Increases!
August 14, 2024
Electricity price inflation rose on an annual basis by 4.9%, well in excess of comparable rises in the average American grocery bill of 1.1%, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
ICYMI: NPR Exposes Incumbent Monopoly Utility Efforts to Block Electricity Transmission Competition and Increase Consumer Costs
August 9, 2024
NPR’s Planet Money published a story on the issue of electricity transmission competition. During the episode, former FERC Chair Jon Wellinghoff said it best, “competition provides for faster, better, cheaper. That’s all going to help consumers.”
Annual Electricity Prices Continue to Rise Amid Summer Heatwave
July 11, 2024
Transmission costs are skyrocketing due to lack of competition and FERC’s “Right-Sizing” provision will only accelerate these rising costs.
95 Electricity Consumer Organizations from Across the Country File for Rehearing Over Anti-Consumer FERC Order 1920
June 12, 2024
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition submitted a rehearing request on FERC Order 1920 because the rule creates a new federal monopoly for aging electricity transmission infrastructure replacements, which would unjustly raise electricity prices on consumers.
Annual Electricity Price Inflation Increase Almost Double the CPI
June 12, 2024
The latest inflation data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows electricity price inflation continues to exceed the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on an annual basis.
Consumer Group Urges Senate to Swiftly Confirm FERC Nominees
June 3, 2024
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition called on the Senate to approve the nomination of three commissioners to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission so that they can begin work on the implementation and rehearing of Order 1920.
Electricity Price Inflation Outpaces CPI by 50%
May 15, 2024
The annualized 12 month electricity inflation price index increased 5.1% and continues to outpace the Consumer Price Index by 50%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Defeat of Iowa ROFR Bill Huge Victory for Consumers
April 22, 2024
Paul Cicio, Chair of the Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition released the following statement in response to the defeat of Iowa HF 2551 & SF 2372.
Electricity Inflation 30% Higher Than CPI Over Last 12 Months
April 10, 2024
Electricity inflation remains the highest consumer goods cost among the items in the Consumer Price Index according to the latest release of data by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Over the last year electricity prices have risen by 5% compared to 2.2% for food, and 2.5% for medical care commodities.
ETCC Statement on Defeat of Wisconsin ROFR Bill AB 470
March 13, 2024
Paul Cicio , Chair of ETCC, issued the following statement on the defeat of Wisconsin ROFR bill AB 470.
Electricity Price Inflation Continues to Outpace CPI by 12.4% as FERC Decision on Transmission Competition Nears
March 12, 2024
The latest inflation data release confirms that electricity prices continue to outpace the Consumer Price Index with electricity prices increasing by 3.6% compared to 3.2% for the CPI over the last 12 months.
WIRES Letter to FERC Incorrectly Pits Collaboration Against Transmission Competition
March 4, 2024
Paul Cicio, Chair of the Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition, released the following statement in response to the WIRES’s letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Coalition Urges FERC Nominees to Put Consumers First and Back Electricity Transmission Competition
February 29, 2024
ETCC welcomed the nomination of three new commissioners by President Biden to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Electricity Consumers Rebuts False Claims Made by EEI in FERC Transmission Docket
February 22, 2024
Paul Cicio, Chair of the Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition, released the following statement in response to the Edison Electric Institute’s letter to FERC.
Electricity Inflation Tops Monthly CPI by 400% Driven by Spiraling Transmission Rate Increases
February 13, 2024
Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition Applauds Pending Minnesota Legislation to Eliminate Anti-Competitive Law
February 14, 2024
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition (ETCC) released the following statement in support of Minnesota legislation to eliminate its anti-competitive law.

Utility Report Fails to Debunk Transmission Competition Benefits
February 1, 2024
In comments filed with FERC, ETCC responded to the incumbent utility-spearheaded coalition Developers Advocating Transmission Advancements (DATA) – to set the record straight about their misleading claims and to urge FERC to disregard the utilities’ unverified and authorless white paper entirely.

December Electricity Price Inflation Jumps 1.3%, Outpacing CPI at Just .3% – FERC Must Act
January 11, 2024
Today’s inflation data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showed the monthly increase for electricity in December was 1.3% as compared to just .3% for the CPI.

Monthly Electricity Price Inflation Increases 1.4% vs .1% for CPI Due to Accelerating Transmission Costs – FERC Must Act
December 12, 2023
Today’s inflation data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that electricity prices continue to climb despite decreases in commodity prices over the last 12 months. Inflation may be coming down across the economy, but it remains high for electricity.

Supreme Court Decision Not to Grant Cert Signals that Texas Right of First Refusal Law is Unconstitutional
December 11, 2023
The U.S. Supreme Court decided not to grant cert in Lake vs. NextEra Energy, signaling that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision got it right and that there was no reason to overturn their Opinion.

ICYMI: Iowa Court Decision Has Regional Impact for MISO States and Billions in Cost Savings for Consumers
December 7, 2023
ICYMI: Iowa district court permanently strikes down ROFR law as debate continues in the Midwest over who can build and own new transmission lines. Read more in POLITICO’s Energywire.

BREAKING: Iowa Courts Side with Consumers on Electricity Transmission Competition
December 5, 2023
In a victory for Iowa electricity consumers, the Iowa District Court for Polk County has set aside Iowa’s unconstitutional Right of First Refusal (ROFR) law and regulation. In addition, the court barred the state from issuing permits on projects and intervenors from any action on their MISO assigned projects.

Report: FERC’s $277 Billion Electricity Price Hike
November 28, 2023
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition (ETCC) released a new report, FERC’s $277 Billion Electricity Price Hike, which includes the most comprehensive assemblage of consumer opinion research about their views on electricity transmission competition – and the impact on American families and business.

Broad Coalition of Consumer Groups Prevent Anti-Consumer Transmission Competition ROFR Bills from Advancing in Wisconsin
November 16, 2023
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition (ETCC) welcomed the decision by the Wisconsin Assembly and Senate to not take action on AB 470 or SB 481, two anti-consumer Right of First Refusal (ROFR) bills.

Electricity Price Inflation Increases - Consumer Price Index is Flat
November 14, 2023
Today’s inflation data release by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics confirms that electricity prices continue to rise causing harm to households and businesses. Electricity prices have far outpaced other energy commodities, which continued their steep declines over the past year.

ETCC Applauds Solicitor General on Supreme Court Filing in Lake v. NextEra Energy
October 24, 2023
Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar filed a brief on behalf of the United States stating that the U.S. Supreme Court should not grant cert in the Supreme Court docket 22-601, Peter Lake, Chairman, Public Utility Commission of Texas v. NextEra Energy.

Electricity Prices Increase at Triple the Rate of September CPI
October 12, 2023
The latest set of inflation data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics confirmed that electricity price inflation continues to hurt households and businesses, far outpacing overall CPI.

12-Month Electricity Inflation Rate Running 6.3% Ahead of CPI Energy Commodities - FERC Must Act
September 13, 2023
The latest set of inflation data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics confirmed that electricity price inflation continues to hurt households and businesses, far outpacing other energy commodities.

Competitive Electricity Transmission Bidding Process Saves New Mexico Consumers $84 Million
August 29, 2023
Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) board of directors awarded NextEra Energy Transmission Southwest, LLC a new competitively-bid electricity project that will provide millions in cost savings to families and business in New Mexico.

ETCC Applauds Decision by Governor Pritzker to Veto Electric Utility ‘Right of First Refusal’ Provision in HB 3445 - a Victory for Consumers
August 16, 2023
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition welcomed the decision by Governor J.B. Pritzker to stand up to incumbent monopoly utilities and veto the Right of First Refusal (ROFR) provision in HB 3445, which would have led to higher electricity transmission prices.

12-Month Electricity Price Inflation Remains High at 3% While All Other Energy Commodities Collectively Fall 20% - FERC Must Act
August 10, 2023
Inflation data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics today continues the long-term trend of electricity inflation exceeding other commodities as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Electricity Price Inflation is 80% Higher Than the Consumer Price Index – FERC Must Act
July 12, 2023
Inflation data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics today confirms the long-term trend of electricity inflation exceeding the Consumer Price Index (CPI) benchmark and other commodities.

Electricity Price Inflation Outpaces CPI by 47% – FERC Must Act
June 14, 2023
Inflation data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics today showed electricity inflation’s long-term price mark continuing to exceed overall inflation even as the Consumer Price Index slows.

ICYMI: Springfield Lawmakers Considering 11th Hour Bill to Block Competition for Electricity Transmission Projects – Crain’s Chicago Business
May 25, 2023
Springfield lawmakers are considering a last ditch attempt to ram through legislation that would block electricity transmission competition in Illinois, according to Crain’s Chicago Business.

Missouri Legislature Makes Wise Decision to Not Support Anti-Consumer ROFR Bill SB 568
May 12, 2023
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition welcomed the decision by the Missouri legislature to not take action to advance SB 568 before the legislative session expired.

Indiana Governor Signs Bill to Increase Electricity Prices on Households and Businesses
May 1, 2023
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition was disappointed in the decision by Governor Eric Holcomb to sign HB 1420, which will lead to higher electricity transmission rates in the state of Indiana.

Consumers Call on Senate Energy Committee to Support Electricity Transmission Competition
April 25, 2023
In a letter to the Senate Energy Committee Chair Joe Manchin and Ranking Member John Barrasso, the ETCC asked the two leaders to urge FERC to embrace electricity transmission competition.

Consumers Call on Governor Eric Holcomb to Veto HB 1420, Which Will Result in Higher Electricity Prices
April 24, 2023
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition wrote a letter to Governor Eric Holcomb calling on him to veto HB 1420 and put consumers first.

Consumers Urge Governor Eric Holcomb to Veto HB 1420 - Reduce Consumer Electricity Costs and Stand Up Against Monopoly Interests
April 20, 2023
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition called on Governor Eric Holcomb to put consumers first and veto HB 1420, which will significantly raise the price of electricity for Hoosiers.

Consumers Urge Indiana House to Oppose HB 1420
April 19, 2023
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition urged members of the Indiana House to oppose HB 1420, a right-of-first-refusal law (ROFR). urged members of the Indiana House to oppose HB 1420, a right-of-first-refusal law (ROFR). Similar ROFR laws have been shown to raise rates on consumers by as much as 40%.

Electricity Price Inflation Soars to 10.2%, Outpacing CPI Again – FERC Must Act
April 12, 2023
Inflation data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics today showed another month of skyrocketing electricity inflation, while overall inflation slowed. FERC must act and support transmission competition.

Iowa Supreme Court Blocks “Anticompetitive” Right of First Refusal Bill
March 24, 2023
The Iowa Supreme Court struck a blow against anticompetitive monopoly interests in its decision to issue an injunction against the state’s Right of First Refusal (ROFR).

Consumers Disappointed by Mississippi Governor Reeves’ Decision to Sign Unconstitutional, Anti-Competitive Electricity Transmission Bill into Law
March 7, 2023
An 86-member consumer coalition expressed disappointment in Mississippi Governor Reeves’ decision to sign a new bill that would prevent transmission competition projects.

Montana Right-of-First-Refusal Law Fails to Advance-Consumers Win!
March 1, 2023
Lawmakers in Montana yesterday voted 11-1 in favor of tabling Senate Bill 353 that would favor incumbent utility monopolies and lead to higher electricity prices for consumers.

Oklahoma ROFR Bill Defeated – A Victory for Consumers
February 24, 2023
Consumers welcomed the defeat of SB 498 in the Oklahoma State Senate yesterday in a victory for consumers over the interests of incumbent monopoly utilities.

ICYMI: Kansas City Star Exposes Chiefs Tickets Gift Giving to Public Officials from Utility Companies with Pending Legislation
February 21, 2023
Consumer Coalition Urges Kansas Lawmakers to Reject a Right-of-First-Refusal (ROFR) Bill that Would Lead to Higher Rates for Consumers.

Electricity Price Inflation Rate of 11.9 Percent Continues to Outpace the CPI
February 14, 2023
The latest inflation data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the long-term trend of electricity price inflation has continued into 2023, despite cooling in the overall rate of inflation.

Electricity Price Inflation Soars to 14.3%, Despite Decline in Overall Inflation Rate
January 12, 2023
The latest inflation data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics confirms the historic rise in long-run electricity prices, which far outpaces the overall consumer price index.

Consumers Welcome Appointment of Willie Phillips as Acting FERC Chair
January 4, 2023
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition welcomed the appointment of Commissioner Willie Phillips to the position of Acting Chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

Consumers Urge FERC to Back Electricity Transmission Competition, Consistent with FTC and DOJ Support
December 13, 2022
The most recent batch of inflation data released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showed sustained long-run electricity price inflation for consumers, continuing the trend of soaring costs this year.

Interregional Electric Transmission Projects Must be Competitively Bid
December 6, 2022
In response to the FERC workshop on Interregional Transfer Capability Transmission Planning & Cost Allocation Requirements, Paul Cicio, Chair of the Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition, released the following statement.

Consumers Urge Biden to Back Electricity Transmission Competition, Consistent with FTC and DOJ Support
November 14, 2022
The ETCC has sent a letter urging President Biden to back electricity transmission competition in the fight against inflation, consistent with the support from the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission.

Competitive Electricity Transmission Bidding Process Saves New Jersey Ratepayers Billions of Dollars
November 1, 2022
New Jersey has embarked on the largest-ever competitive bidding process for a transmission project in the country, which will help facilitate the provision of electricity from offshore wind facilities to households and businesses—saving ratepayers billions of dollars.

Competitive Electricity Transmission Bidding Process Saves Maine Consumers Over $1 Billion
October 26, 2022
The Maine Public Utilities Commission unveiled two new electricity transmission projects that will make significant investments in renewable energy while saving consumers over one billion dollars – thanks to a competitive bidding process.

ETCC: FERC Must Support Electricity Transmission Competition to Fight Electricity Price Inflation
October 13, 2022
Electricity price inflation continues to outpace overall CPI increases, placing serious financial strain on homeowners and businesses. FERC must embrace electricity transmission competition if it wants to fulfill its mandate of providing affordable electricity to Americans

ICYMI: EnergyWire – Lawmakers Tell FERC to Scrap Anti-Competitive Grid Plan
October 11, 2022
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: In a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) urged the commissioners to back electricity transmission competition warning of rising prices for consumers if a right of first refusal were reinstated.

Senators Heinrich and Lee Urge FERC to Embrace Electricity Transmission Competition
October 5, 2022
In a letter to the Commissioners of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Senator Michael Lee (R-UT) urged the regulator’s five commissioners to embrace electricity transmission competition and abandon the right of first refusal (ROFR) proposals.

FERC Does Not Have the Record to Support Their Anti-Transmission Competition NOPR
September 19, 2022
The ETCC filed reply comments with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) calling on the Commission to to abandon its proposals to establish new federal Rights of First Refusal for jointly-owned facilities and right-sizing, reject calls for more expansive ROFRs, and firmly and unquestionably embrace competition.

ETCC: Fifth Circuit Holds Right of First Refusal Laws Violate Dormant Commerce Clause in Victory for Consumers
August 31, 2022
Paul Cicio, Chair of the Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition issued the following statement in response to today’s decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on the constitutionality of right of first refusal laws in Texas.

ICYMI: U.S. Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice Urge FERC to Preserve Robust Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets
August 18, 2022
In a joint comment submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in response to a notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) on transmission planning, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) urged FERC not to restore a right of first refusal (ROFR).

ETCC: FERC Cannot Provide Just and Reasonable Electricity Rates Without Robust Transmission Competition
August 17, 2022
The ETCC has called on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to require transmission competition for projects that are 100 kV or larger, and fulfill its mandate to provide affordable and reliable energy to households and businesses.

ETCC Responds to Report by Incumbent Monopoly Utilities
August 16, 2022
The ETCC released a statement in response to a new, misleading report being touted by incumbent monopoly utilities, which makes false claims about the transmission competition and – by its own admission – uses data with limited transparency.

ETCC: In Response to Electricity Price Inflation Increase of 15.2%, FERC Must Support Electricity Transmission Competition to Lower Consumer Costs
August 10, 2022
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for July measured annualized electricity services inflation at 15.2%, an increase of 1.6% over the month of June, outpacing overall CPI. Even as energy commodity prices drop, the savings are not being passed on to consumers.

ETCC Urges Secretary Granholm to Support Electricity Transmission Competition to Fight Inflation
August 2, 2022
The ETCC has sent a letter to Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm urging her to support electricity transmission competition to fight inflation. In addition to the Inflation Reduction Act, FERC has an opportunity to reduce electricity price inflation

ETCC: In Response to Electricity Price Inflation Increase of 13.7%, FERC Chairman Glick Must Support Electricity Transmission Competition to Lower Consumer Costs
July 13, 2022
The Consumer Price Index for June measured annualized electricity services inflation at 13.7%, an increase of 1.7% over the month of May. In response, the ETCC calls on FERC to embrace electricity transmission competition.

Statement from ETCC Chair Paul Cicio on NYISO’s New, Competitively Bid Empire State Line Project
July 12, 2022
Statement from Paul Cicio, Chair of the ETCC, on the July 11 commissioning of NextEra Energy Transmission’s Empire State Transmission Line.

Consumers Urge Congress to Fight Electricity Price Inflation by Supporting Electricity Transmission Competition in FERC Transmission NOPR
June 23, 2022
The ETCC sent letters to the Chairman and Ranking Members of the Senate Committee on Finance, calling on them to embrace electricity transmission competition.

Press Release: ETCC: Electricity Consumer Price Index Increases 12%, Confirms that FERC Chairman Glick Should Embrace, Not Oppose Electricity Transmission Competition
June 10, 2022
The ETCC calls on FERC and Chairman Glick to embrace competition as the CPI for May measured electricity services at 12%, outpacing overall CPI.

Press Release: Latest MISO Transmission Proposal Could Make Electricity Price Inflation Even Worse
May 26, 2022
The ETCC condemns MISO’s new proposal for a multi-state transmission project that is not subject to competition, missing out on billions in savings.

Press Release: Consumers Urge Senator Lankford to Follow the Example of Oklahoma on Transmission Competition
May 23, 2022
The ETCC urges Oklahoma Senator James Lankford to support policies that promote competition in electricity transmission nationally.

Press Release: West Virginia Consumer and Business Groups Join ETCC to Urge Senator Manchin to Support Transmission Competition
May 12, 2022
The West Virginia Manufacturing Association and the West Virginia Energy Users Group joined the ETCC in calling on Senator Joe Manchin to support electricity transmission.

Press Release: Consumers Urge Congress to Support Competition to Combat Inflation and Reduce Consumer Costs
May 9, 2022
The ETCC has sent letters to the Chairman and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committees, calling on them to embrace electricity transmission competition.

Press Release: Consumers Say FERC’s Proposed Rule Abandons Electricity Transmission Competition
April 27, 2022
Statement from ETCC Chair Paul Cicio on FERC’s Proposed Rule which abandons electricity transmission competition and supports monopoly incumbent electric utilities.

Press Release: ETCC Statement on FERC Meeting on Transmission Reform
April 21, 2022
Statement from ETCC Chair Paul Cicio on FERC meeting on transmission reform.

Press Release: ETCC Urges DOE Secretary to Champion Competition
April 19, 2022
ETCC urges Secretary Jennifer Granholm to champion electricity transmission competition.

Press Release: Defeat of Wisconsin Assembly Bill 892
March 10, 2022
ETCC applauds defeat of Wisconsin Assembly Bill 892 which would have prevented electricity transmission project competition and led to higher electricity prices.

Press Release: Minnesota Anti-Competitive Law

Press Release: ETCC Urges FERC to Support Competition
ETCC urges FERC to support competition on electricity transmission projects to reduce costs to ratepayers.

Press Release: ETCC Urges DOE Secretary to Champion Competition
April 19, 2022
ETCC urges Secretary Jennifer Granholm to champion electricity transmission competition.

Press Release: Defeat of Wisconsin Assembly Bill 892
March 10, 2022
ETCC applauds defeat of Wisconsin Assembly Bill 892 which would have prevented electricity transmission project competition and led to higher electricity prices.