Electricity Transmission Project Competition Is Essential
The Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition is committed to increasing competition in America’s electricity transmission infrastructure to meet the United States’ net-zero carbon emission goals while providing savings to ratepayers.
Electricity transmission competition has support from the Biden Administration, as well as Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle. ETCC represents a diverse group of 95 companies and organizations from all 50 states that all advocate for increased competition.

Competition Cuts Costs

What People Are Saying
State commissions, federal agencies, trade associations, consumer groups, lawmakers, and environmental advocates agree that transmission competition is needed to ensure the creation of cost-effective and efficient transmission projects.
News & Resources
CPI Report: Electricity Price Inflation 56% Higher than the Consumer Price Index and 86% Higher than Food Inflation
September 11, 2024
The latest inflation data once again revealed that electricity price inflation is driving general price increases. On an annual basis, electricity price inflation rose by 3.9% or 56% higher than the CPI (2.5%) and 86% higher than food at (2.1%) respectively.
Electricity Price Inflation Over 4X Grocery Bill Increases!
August 14, 2024
Electricity price inflation rose on an annual basis by 4.9%, well in excess of comparable rises in the average American grocery bill of 1.1%, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
ICYMI: NPR Exposes Incumbent Monopoly Utility Efforts to Block Electricity Transmission Competition and Increase Consumer Costs
August 9, 2024
NPR’s Planet Money published a story on the issue of electricity transmission competition. During the episode, former FERC Chair Jon Wellinghoff said it best, “competition provides for faster, better, cheaper. That’s all going to help consumers.”